Cultivating A Lifestyle of Wellness

Hi there, I’m Monica Quniones! Welcome to my corner of the internet. I carved out this space to connect with people like me, who have found themselves unexpectedly navigating a different life than what they envisioned.

In 2019, life knocked the wind out of me and I instantly became a widowed mom. My husband of almost 14 years of marriage passed away after being diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma. I was stuck. I didn’t know how I was going to make it emotionally, mentally, financially or spiritually. This journey after the storm was going to require I pull from strength I never knew I’d need. It was a time in my life where I realized I couldn’t do this alone.

At POISED SUCCESS, we help you identify methods to push through your circumstances and live the abundant life you were destined to live.”

As a certified life coach, my goal is to walk alongside you on the path to personal, career and business success and assist in the development of strategies to identify clear goals, achieve immediate results and create strategies for the future.

I have always been passionate about empowering others and through POISED SUCCESS, I have helped many pinpoint the tools and techniques needed to impact their lives on a daily basis.

Let’s talk one on one. Schedule a courtesy consultation today.